Instilling Research Spirit Among Cambodia’s Science and Technology Youth Fellows

In the spirit of forging ahead together with the ASEAN Youth, the 2018/19 ASEAN Science and Technology Fellowship from Cambodia, Dr. Kuok Fidero has collaborated with Prof. Dr. Michael A. B. Promentilla, the 2018/19 ASEAN Science and Technology Fellowship from Philippines in promoting Science and Technology research culture among Cambodia youth by conducting a research seminar at Institute of Technology of Cambodia.

Dr Fidero and Dr Promentilla with the Institute of Technology of Cambodia scholars

Dr Promentilla and Dr Fidero at Institute of Technology of Cambodia

The program works as the avenue for youth and experienced researchers to meet and share their expertise on creating an impactful journal. To accomplish an impactful writings, one has to master the thorough research skill, thus with the enacted discussion Dr Fidero and Dr Promentilla aims to extend their knowledge and share their experience in conducting a thorough research.

Dr Promentilla extending his knowledge in conducting a thorough research.

Dr Promentilla extending his knowledge in conducting a thorough research.


Through the enacted programme during 13 – 15 December 2018 with Financial Support of AUN/SEED-Net Alumni Support Program, hopefully the fellows could foster and promote Science and Technology research culture among the ASEAN youth.


Story and photos: Dr. Kuok Fidero

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