Article and photos by Dr Sengphet Keokangdong, the 2018/19 ASEAN Science and Technology Fellow placed at the Ministry Science of Technology and Innovation (STI) Lao PDR.
Throughout the ASEAN Science and Technology Fellowship, I worked closely with the Renewable Energy and Materials Institute (REMI) at the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of Lao PDR. I performed studies on defining and evaluating Energy Policy to support Renewable Energy Development conducted by the Lao government, particularly for Laos’ rural areas. In this Fellowship, I also worked with all levels of technocrats and officeholders in the energy sector of Laos and other ASEAN member states (AMS).
One of my experiences was the great opportunity I had to discuss Renewable Energy-Related Issues with various parties, including the Deputy Director-General from the Department of Energy Policy and Planning, the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), the Deputy General of Renewable Energy and New Materials Institute as well as the Ministry Of Science and Technology (MOST). Furthermore, I joined several national and international workshops and conferences with expert resource persons in ASEAN and European countries.
In the ASEAN region, I joined the SLP 2018 Program and Emerging Conference in Malaysia’s Sunway University, a building workshop capacity in the Philippines, the 4th World Water Valley forum 2018 at Vientiane Laos, and the ASEAN project Development workshop on 18 – 20 March in Thailand. I also attended partnership meetings between NUOL and Korean Institute Material Science (KIMS) on the agreement of international research cooperation. Furthermore, I was a keynote speaker at the 1st international conference in the School of Science and Technology, University of Mongolia, and partook in more events besides the aforementioned.
Due to the vast experiences and knowledge I have gained from this Fellowship, I hope to be able to implement Renewable Energy Technologies and Policy more widely in Lao PDR.