Strengthening the Linkage Between Science and Policy on Climate Change

Article and photos by Dr Chhuon Kong, the 2018/19 ASEAN Science and Technology Fellow placed at the Department of Climate Change, National Council for Sustainable Development, Ministry of Environment.

The ASEAN Science and Technology Fellowship gave me a lot of opportunities to put great effort in strengthening the linkage between science and policy on climate change in order for the government to take serious action towards climate change. My action plan has always been to support the Department of Climate Change (DCC) in executing the Cambodia Climate Change Alliance Program (CCCA).

Since the beginning, I have developed guidelines for climate change research proposal evaluation and selection criteria for awarding research grants, which has been used to select the research proposals under the CCCA program. I made a call for research proposals on climate change and formed a joint selection committee to select five research proposals from academic institutions. Furthermore, I submitted a policy brief titled “Environmental Flow in the Changing Climate” to the DCC. I jointly organised a knowledge-sharing seminar on strengthening climate resilience of local communities in Cambodia. I also built up the capacity of sub-national officers on climate change vulnerability assessment plan and methodology through providing the training session.

In order to improve the scientific research activity on climate change, I have collaborated with the international consultant to provide the training session to governmental staff and other stakeholders on how to make a scientific research proposal. Another significant output is that I have facilitated the series of consultation meetings with different line ministries and development partners to promote the national determination contribution (NDC) and collaborated with an international consultant to produce NDC assessment report for Cambodia to be submitted to UNFCCC in 2020.

Joint a meeting for research collaboration on hydrology and water usage of the farmers to improve the water governance and build climate resilience for the water user communities.
Providing a training to building up capacity of sub-national officers on climate change vulnerability assessment plan and methodology.



With his Supervisor during the Joint Knowledge Sharing Seminar on Strengthening Climate Resilience of Local Community in Cambodia.
Providing a training session to governmental staffs and other stakeholders on how to make a scientific research proposal on climate change.

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