Dr. Andery Lim

Dr. Andery Lim is a graduate of Universiti Brunei Darussalam and has more than 10 years of experience doing cross disciplinary researches in the fields of Biology, Education, Teaching, and Dye Sensitized Solar Cells with impactful publishing track record, presently accumulating more than 180 citations in scopus. Prior to his PhD, he worked as a Research Assistant in the University and was additionally responsible in laboratory management, preparations of working plan, and facilitating students’ final year projects. He was a working secretariat for Sustainable Future Energy 2012 Conference and 10th Sustainable Energy and Environment Forum (2012). He has represented Brunei in many leadership and exchange programmes including in the JENESYS (2014), the 6th AKFF (2016), the 43rd SSEAYP (2016), and the 4th SBYLEP (2017) as well as a youth diplomatic mission in the ASEAN Youth Leaders’ Preparatory Meeting for the 2017 ASEAN Summit and ASEAN Youth Leaders’ Interface with the ASEAN Leaders in Manila, Philippines.
Through the ASEAN Science and Technology Fellowship, he works with the Ministry of Energy, Manpower and Industry, in reviewing and finding ways to minimize energy losses and wastage towards sustainable energy development within Brunei by creating an efficient power directing platform.
Dr. Andery Lim has completed both his B.Sc. with Honours in Biological Science (2010) and Master of Teaching specializing in Biology and Science Education (2012) under the Brunei Darussalam Government Scholarships, while his PhD in Energy Studies (2016) was under the Graduate Research Scholarship, all of which were received from the Universiti Brunei Darussalam.
Dr. Andery Lim

Dr. Chhuon Kong

Dr. Chhuon Kong is currently the Head of Research Unit Water and Environment at the Institute of Technology of Cambodia in Phnom Penh. During PhD study, he did assessment on the carrying capacity of available water resources to meet the demands for people, agriculture, energy development and environmental protection with climate change within the watershed approach in Cambodia. His fields of specialization are on environmental hydrology and inland water ecology. Aside from his interests on open water environment, he also does research and project works on climate change, watershed hydrology and water resources engineering. He also experienced as national consultant on Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment in Cambodia
He obtained an engineering degree in water resources and rural infrastructures from Institute of Technology of Cambodia, and Master’s degree in Environmental Geology from Gadjah Mada University in Indonesia. Dr.Kong has earned his PhD in Environmental Engineering from University of the Philippines-Diliman and Tokyo Institute of Technology-Japan (2016) under AUN/SEED-Net program supported by JICA.
Through the ASEAN Science and Technology Fellowship, he works closely with the Climate Change Department of General Secretariat of the National Council for Sustainable Development, Cambodia.
Dr. Chhuon Kong

Dr. Fidero Kuok

Dr. Fidero Kuok is currently the Dean of the Faculty of Chemical and Food Engineering at the Institute of Technology of Cambodia in Phnom Penh, where he leads and oversees the research activities as well as the day-to-day teaching for Genetics, Waste Management, and Research Methodology courses. In addition, he is also a group leader for JSPS Core-to-Core Program on establishment of Asian model for research and education on urban water resource management in partnership with Tokyo Institute of Technology, Kasetsart University & Institute of Technology of Cambodia.
Dr. Kouk obtained a Bachelor of Civil Engineering from the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (2006), a Master of Environmental Engineering from University of the Philippines-Diliman in the Philippines (2008), and a Doctor of Environmental Engineering from the Tokyo Institute of Technology in Japan (2013).
In his capacity as an enviromental engineer, through the ASEAN Science and Technology fellowship 2018/2019, he assists the National Council of Science and Technology, Ministry of Planning, Cambodia.
Dr. Fidero Kuok

Dr. Ahmad Agus Setiawan

Dr. Ahmad Agus Setiawan comes from humble origins. He was born in 1975 and raised in Jogjakarta, Indonesia, and now he is an assistant professor in renewable energy systems and planning at the Department of Nuclear and Engineering Physics, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Currently he is a Clean Energy specialist for the World Bank on Improving Energy Project Delivery (IEPD) Project at Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources for National Energy Policy to be implemented throughout local government in Indonesia. He is also an expert staff in formulating Draft of Local Government Regulation on Renewable Energy for Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia.
As an ASEAN S&T Fellow, Dr. Setiawan works closely with the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education in the priority area of sustainable energy in Indonesia. He is actively involved in the Working Group on Energy Self Sufficient Program for Indonesia within the Institute of Research and Community Services of UGM and is an active member of Indonesian Renewable Energy Society. He is also involved in the project development of hybrid energy system for outermost island of Marampit, in cooperation with the Ministry of Research and Technology Indonesia. He was also an Energy Globe Ambassador in 2013 and Energy and Innovation of Technology Team Coordinator in Australia Awards Alumni Reference Group 2014 – 2016. Dr. Ahmad Agus Setiawan was the recipient of Habibie Award 2014 in Engineering from The Habibie Center (a foundation owned by former President of Indonesia).
Dr. Ahmad Agus Setiawan’s areas of interest are Renewable Energy Systems and Applications for Sustainable Development. Realising Indonesia is an archipelagic country with more than 17,000 islands with many small & remote islands are lacking of electricity supply, he undertook study focusing on utilising renewable energy resources to generate electricity. He obtained PhD in Renewable Energy Systems from Curtin University, Australia (2009); M.Sc. in Sustainable Energy Engineering from The Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, Sweden (2003) and B.Eng. in Electrical Engineering from Universitas Gadjah Mada (1999), where he is currently teaching at the Department of Engineering Physics.
Dr. Ahmad Agus Setiawan

Dr. Eng. Muhammad Makky

Born and raised in urban eastern part of Jakarta, Dr. Eng. Muhammad Makky serves as an associate Professor at the Andalas University, Indonesia. There, he teaches courses in electronics-mechatronics-robotics and precision agriculture, automation and nondestructive evaluation. In addition to his related Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) researches, he has worked as visiting professors in Japan, the Netherlands, and Greece. He is currently a coordinator of center for quality assurance for research and community services, in Andalas University, West Sumatra, Indonesia. He also works as advisor and consultant for oil-palm company in Indonesia.
As an ASEAN S&T Fellow, Dr. Eng. Muhammad Makky will work with the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education to potentially improve the governance and financial management of commercialisation of innovative research output, by setting up the STI Policy according to its readiness in Science Techno Parks throughout Indonesia. His work aims to promote and strengthen STI which focus on the development of STI-related infrastructure, human resources, collaboration- relationships-cooperation with stakeholders in more advanced countries. He works to enhance the role of the Indonesian-based ASEAN Centre for bio-related research activities based on the properties of geographical environment and agro-food-biodiversity as a regional center of excellence promoting the food security as the strong point for designing the STI policy in ASEAN.
Dr. Eng. Muhammad Makky obtained a B.Eng. in Agricultural Engineering from the Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia (2002), M.Sc. in Agricultural Engineering Science from the same University (2005), and Dr. Eng. in Agricultural Systems and Engineering from the Asian Institute of Technology in Thailand (2013).
Dr. Eng. Muhammad Makky

Dr. Sengphet Keokangdong

As a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering National University of Laos (NUOL), Dr. Sengphet Keokangdong focus his research work in the field of materials science engineering and technology, specifically on advanced composite materials. In his faculty, he was also the Head Division of the Materials Science and Applied Mechanic. Dr. Sengphet has produced major research publications in ceramic and clay material.
As an ASEAN S&T Fellow 2018/19, Dr. Sengphet will work with the Renewable Energy and Materials Institute (REMI), Ministry of Science and Technology of Lao PDR.
Sengphet Keokangdong received his B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from the National University of Laos (2008). He obtained his M.Sc. (2010) and PhD (2014) degree in the Materials Science Engineering from the School of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering, Universiti Science Malaysia (USM).
Dr. Sengphet Keokangdong

Dr. Vimontha Khieovongphachanh

Dr. Vimontha Khieovongphachanh is a lecturer and researcher at National University of Laos (NUOL). She teaches in the field of Information Technology and Software Engineering and focus the research on Image Processing and Software Engineering. She is also Head of Information Technology (IT) Division in Department of Computer Engineering and Information Technology. She also undertaking a manager role in ITSD Project and Software Development Project. In her university, she is coordinator of AUN/SEED-net (ASEAN University Network / Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network) and gLink Project-Erasmus Mundus. Besides has been trained in various international
training and workshop, Dr. Vimontha has produced various research publication in the topic of optic and image processing.
Throughout the S&T Fellowship, she expects to expand the network and collaboration in Science and Technology Innovation Policy field. She will be assigned for the fellowship at the Institute of Technology Computer and Electronic, Ministry of Science and Technology of Lao PDR.
Dr. Vimontha received her B.Eng. in Electronic Engineering from National University of Laos (2002) in Lao PDR, M.Eng. in Electrical Engineering from Chulalongkorn University(2005) in Thailand and PhD in Science Technology from Tokai University(2010) in Japan.
Dr. Vimontha Khieovongphachanh

Assoc. Prof. Ir Dr. Haslenda Hashim

Assoc. Prof. Ir Dr. Haslenda Hashim is a Deputy Director of Process Systems Engineering Center (PROSPECT) and Head of Green Energy and Environmental Planning (GREEN) Research Group at Faculty of Chemical and Energy Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Her research activities are focused on Energy and Environmental Planning, low carbon society (LCS), Renewable Energy and resource conservation. Dr. Haslenda has been providing training and technical consultancy services to the industry and the government agencies. She is the certified trainer for ASEAN Energy Management Schemes (AEMAS), certified Feed-in Tariff verifier for Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA) Malaysia, technical expert for green technology fund scheme (GTFS) and expert panel advisor for Malaysia Green Technology Corporation, and Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA). She has published books, book chapters, blueprint for policy makers and more than 100 technical papers in national and high- impact international refereed journals, presented more than 80 papers in local and international conferences. She holds ten patents and more than 20 copyrights.
Dr. Haslenda Hashim received her Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (1997, 2000) and PhD from University of Waterloo, Canada (2006).
Assoc. Prof. Ir Dr. Haslenda Hashim

Dr. Thein Min Htike

Having working experiences in universities and government departments in Myanmar for a decade, Dr. Thein Min Htike has been conducting and managing research studies and programs on diverse topics including wind energy technologies, mechanical vibration, ultrasonic particle separation and numerical computation. He has been researching on small-scale wind turbines for rural electrification and also managing a project to promote wind energy and disseminate wind energy technologies to concerned personnel with the support of Mekong-ROK Cooperation Fund 2017. In addition to his research, he also advises students from Yangon Technological University for their mobilities to partner universities in Asia and Europe. He also takes initiative roles to promote students’ leadership in applying renewable energy technologies for community actions.
Through this ASEAN Science and Technology (S&T) Fellowship, Dr. Thein Min Htike aspires to escalate renewable energy research of his university to become reference for renewable energy policy at his own country. He is also aiming to promote dialogue opportunities and initiate coordination mechanism among all of the stakeholders. He hopes that the fellowship outcome will contribute in realising renewable energy goals of Myanmar. As a fellow, he will work with Department of Research & Innovation, Ministry of Education of Myanmar.
Dr. Thein Min Htike holds Master Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Bandung Institute of Technology (2007) and Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering from the National University of Singapore (2012). He also conducted post-doctoral fellowship on ultrasonic separation technology in Tokyo Institute of Technology (2014).
Dr. Thein Min Htike

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hazlina Selamat

Associate Professor Dr. Hazlina Selamat is a lecturer and professional engineer at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). She is also the Director of the Centre for Artificial Intelligence & Robotics, UTM, since 2014; and the Director and Co- Founder of Apt Touch Pte. Ltd., a start-up that designs and manufactures electronic fuel injection systems for small engines. With a team of control engineers, she co-founded the Malaysian Society for Automatic Control Engineers (MACE), which later became the National Member Organization of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), the world’s most influential control engineering association. She publishes her research works in many high-impact journals, has won several innovation awards and has 3 patents granted. She has been invited as plenary speakers in several national and international conferences and seminars. Dr. Hazlina Selamat’s principal areas of interest are adaptive control, system identification and modelling as well as artificial intelligence. Her current research works are in the area of electronic control unit (ECU) design for automotive applications; crowd modeling, control and simulation for safer building design; and energy optimisation.
Under the Fellowship, Dr. Hazlina will work with the Policy and Strategic Planning Division, Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation (MOSTI) of Malaysia.
Dr. Hazlina obtained her PhD and M.Eng. in Electrical Engineering from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in 2007 and 2000 respectively. Before that, she received a full scholarship from Malaysian Public Service Department to do her A-Levels in Roedean School, Brighton, England (1993-1995) and her first degree in Electrical & Electronics at Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of London (1995-1998).
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hazlina Selamat

Dr. Kay Lwin Tun

Dr. Kay Lwin Tun has served as an Associate Professor and Researcher at University of Yangon where she teaches courses on aquaculture and fisheries, fisheries management, diseases of aquatic organism and Environmental influence on disease outbreak. She established Laboratory of Aquatic Bioscience (LAB) under the umbrella of Department of Zoology in 2008. Laboratory of Aquatic Bioscience is only one laboratory in Myanmar which focuses highly on the research related to aquaculture and fisheries.
From 2008 to date, more than 398 faculty members and 162 students across the country are taking the training, research and lectures for fisheries managements and aquaculture in LAB. In 2018, new program, B.Sc. (Fisheries and Aquaculture) has developed in University of Yangon as she has worked as organiser for Ministry of Education and Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and irrigation.
Through the ASEAN S&T Fellowship, Dr. Kay Lwin Tun will work with Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation of Myanmar to potentially analyse and develop the recommendations on the regulation and policy for climate resilient for Myanmar fisheries and aquaculture dependent people from climate change challenges.
Dr. Kay Lwin Tun received her B.Sc. (1996) from Department of Zoology, University of Yangon in Myanmar. She received both her M.Sc. (2004) and Ph.D. (2007) degrees from the Department of Aquatic Bioscience, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life sciences, The University of Tokyo in Japan.
Dr. Kay Lwin Tun

Dr. Joey D. Ocon

A proud Mindanaoan, Dr. Joey D. Ocon is a tenured Assistant Professor and a University Scientist II at the University of the Philippines Diliman, where he teaches courses on chemical and energy engineering. He is currently the principal investigator of multiple research projects on the development of energy storage technologies. In addition to teaching and research, he is also
a technical consultant for several private companies. He has received multiple awards including Germany’s BMBF Green Talents Award (2015), NAST’s Outstanding Young Scientist Award (2015), PIChE’s Outstanding Chemical Engineer Award (2017). He represented his country at the 2015 Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting in Lindau, Germany and the 2017 STS Forum in Kyoto, Japan.
As an ASEAN S&T Fellow, Dr. Ocon will work with Philippine Council for Industry, Energy, and Emerging Technology Research and Development (DOST-PCIEERD) to update the R&D roadmaps and harmonise its R&D portfolio on renewable energy, energy storage, and other alternative energy technologies. He is particularly interested in developing a multi-disciplinary research program on rural electrification in off-grid areas.
Dr. Ocon has BSc (2008) and MSc (2011) in Chemical Engineering degrees from the University of the Philippines Diliman and a PhD in Environmental Science and Engineering (2015) degree from the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea. He also completed the Leaders in Innovation Fellowship under the Newton Agham Programme of the British Royal Academy of Engineering and DOST. Dr. Ocon was a visiting scientist at the Off-Grid Systems Group of the Reiner Lemoine Institute, Germany (2016), and a visiting professor at the University of California Merced (2017) and Monash University Malaysia (2018).
Dr. Joey D. Ocon

Prof. Dr. Michael Angelo B. Promentilla

As a faculty member at the Chemical Engineering Department of De La Salle University (DLSU) in the Philippines, Prof. Dr. Micheal Angelo B. Promentilla has over five years of research experience on decision modeling and risk analysis as being applied to environmental and energy systems. He is the head of the Waste and Chemicals Management Unit of DLSU’s Center for Engineering and Sustainable Development Research (CESDR). He is also actively involved in mentoring young researchers on the design and characterisation of sustainable materials, and the founding head of the Geopolymer and Advanced Materials Engineering Research for Sustainability (G.A.M.E.R.S.) Lab situated at DLSU.
Through the ASEAN S&T Fellowship, Prof. Promentilla will be involved in developing and using evidence-based scientific methods for policy development as he will be appointed to work with his host government agency, the Philippines Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD) of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST). He is in discussion and interested to elucidate factors that aid policy development, and are not limited to natural and technical processes related to climate change mitigation and adaptation but also include human values and perceptions among multiple sectors, and the interactions of these “soft” factors.
Prof. Promentilla received both his B.Sc.(1996) and M.Sc. (2000) degrees in Chemical Engineering from the University of the Philippines Los Baños and Diliman, respectively. He received his Ph.D. in Socio-Environmental Engineering from Hokkaido University in Japan (2006).
Prof. Dr. Michael Angelo B. Promentilla

Dr. Nipon Pisutpaisal

Born and raised in a farming family in the rural Ratchaburi Province of Thailand, Dr. Nipon Pisutpaisal went to high school in local area and moved to Bangkok to finish his undergraduate study. After completed his M.Sc. and Ph.D. studies in Environment Engineering from the Pennsylvania State University in U.S. (2003), he went back to Thailand and was appointed as a lecturer at the King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok to teach courses on wastewater treatment technology, and environmental & energy related courses. Besides teaching, Dr. Pisutpaisal has also conducted research development and innovation in the areas of environmental pollution reduction and energy recovery from industrial wastes in order to translate his findings to industrial applications. He has been occasionally granted for research collaboration from Fulbright Foundation, and Newton Fund to generate new academic/research networks in U.S. and U.K.
As an ASEAN S&T Fellow, Dr. Pisutpaisal is working in the area of sustainable energy to enhance the energy efficiency and the utilisation of renewable energy. With long experiences and strong skills in science and technology, particularly in renewable energy research, he will definitely promote the competitiveness in the science and technology innovation and entrepreneurship in ASEAN region through the engagement of the government decision-making processes and related activities.
Dr. Pisutpaisal obtained a B.Sc. in Biochemistry from the Chulalongkorn University (1997), M.Sc. in Environmental Engineering from the Pennsylvania State University in the U.S. (1999), and Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering from the Pennsylvania State University in the U.S. (2003).
Dr. Nipon Pisutpaisal

Dr. Nuwong Chollacoop

As a Head of Renewable Energy Laboratory at National Metal and Materials Technology Center (MTEC) under National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), Dr. Nuwong Chollacoop has over a decade of research experience in sustainable mobility, focusing on renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency (EE) in land transportation sector. His work on biodiesel upgrading technology (H- FAME) has been adopted in Thailand Alternative Energy Development Plan (AEDP: 2015-2036), and his recent work on fuel economy policy has well served Thailand Energy Efficiency Plan (EEP: 2015-2036). He has served as an RE & EE expert in many national committees, as well as a founding member of Electric Vehicle Association of Thailand (EVAT).
As an ASEAN Science and Technology (S&T) Fellow, Dr. Chollacoop is aiming to expand his research network within ASEAN, as well as to learn how to push forward biofuel and fuel economy roadmap among ASEAN members. His experiences on implementing “Benchmarking of Biodiesel Fuel Standardisation in East Asia” project by Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), and “Guidelines toward High Biodiesel Blend Diesel (eg B20) Specification in the APEC Region” project by APEC Energy Working Group, as well as “Policy Dialogue on Fuel Economy Platform” project by APEC Policy Partnership on Science, Technology, and Innovation (PPSTI) will surely help drive RE & EE roadmap in ASEAN.
Dr. Chollacoop received his B.Sc. in Engineering with Honors (1999) from Brown University, and Ph.D. in Materials Engineering with Bio-Engineering minor (2004) from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the U.S.
Dr. Nuwong Chollacoop

Mr. Dung Duc Tran

Mr. Dung Duc Tran is a PhD candidate of Hydrology and Water Resources Management Group at the Wageningen University in the Netherlands which he was awarded the scholarship of Niche project for the sandwich PhD program in Wageningen University, the Netherlands and National University in Vietnam. Prior to his PhD, Mr. Tran was the Deputy Head of Division and a researcher of Division of WRP for Southeast Area and Its Adjacent Areas – Southern Institute for Water Resources Planning in Ho Chi Minh City. He was also the key researcher of Centre of Water Resources Management and Climate Change at the Ho Chi Minh National University. His research areas focus on the GIS and Remote Sensing and its application in Water Science as well as hydrological and Hydraulic Modelling (Flood and Tide Impact) with MIKE Software, HEC-HMS, HEC-RAS, NAM, MITSIM.
Mr.Tran received his MSc of Hydrology and Water Resources specialization (Top 3), UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education in the Netherlands (2011) and a Bachelor of Civil Engineering (Top 5 students) from the Water Resources University (2005) in Ho Chi Minh City.
Mr. Dung Duc Tran

Dr. Nguyen Trinh Minh Anh

Dr. Nguyen Trinh Minh Anh is currently working at the Nong Lam University, University of Agriculture and Forestry, as a lecturer. His research focus much on inter-ethnic, natural resource, and environment. His interest for Vietnam people can be seen as well on several community projects that he has done, in instance promoting the understanding of Vietnamese people and culture in host city and forge communications channels with different economic and political groups or figures. His academic persistence paid off. In 2001, he gained full Australian government scholarship and full Japanese scholarships for doctoral degree in 2015.
Dr. Nguyen obtained a Bachelor of Science majoring in Chemistry from the Monash University (2006), a Master of Science in Environmental Science of the Okayama University, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Science from Okayama University, Japan, with a dissertation titled “Transformation of ethnic minorities’ society in Central Vietnam – Livelihood negotiation during the transition from moral economy (2016).
Dr. Nguyen Trinh Minh Anh