Indonesian S&T Fellow Invited to AIC Energy Cluster Workshop

Dr. Ahmad Agus Setiawan, a research fellow from Indonesia, was invited to attend the Australia-Indonesia Center (AIC) Energy Cluster Workshop focusing on the theme of Indonesian Renewable Energy, held in Australian National University, Canberra and Monash University, Melbourne on 18-21 July 2018, last month.

The workshop began with a visit to Windlab, a science and technology consulting company, and followed by a visit to Solar Thermal Group laboratory at ANU, where the participants enthusiastically discussed about the latest updates and the promising future of Renewable Energy.

The laboratory of Solar Thermal Group at Australian National University. 
A visit to Windlab, a consultant company on renewable energy in Canberra.

In this opportunity, Dr. Ahmad presented his research plan titled “Renewable Energy Development in Indonesia: Technology & Policy to Target Villages Electrification & Border Line with Neighbouring ASEAN countries” to other Indonesian and Australian researchers attending the workshop. This study is expected to serve as a regulatory recommendation for the Indonesian government to reach the 23% national renewable energy target by 2025.

Dr. Ahmad Agus Setiawan in Australian National University. 

On top of that, during this workshop, Dr. Ahmad was able to engage in productive discussions about the latest findings and accomplishments in the field of renewable energy, as well as gauge the prospects of future research collaborations.

The workshop was concluded with a tour around Monash Microgram & Future Control Room, a facility created for the ambitious project called Monash Campus Microgram & Net Zero Initiative, which targets to source 100% of the campus’ energy use from Renewable Energy.

Dr. Ahmad Agus Setiawan presenting his 1-year research plan on Renewable Energy in Indonesia to fellow researchers. 
Day two with fellow Indonesian and Australian workshop attendees at Monash University, Melbourne.











Story and images: Dr. Ahmad Agus Setiawan

Translation: Evelyn Lo

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